PHOTOS: Open Book Festival 2015 Day 2

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PHOTOS: Open Book Festival 2015 Day 2

The second day of Cape Town’s Open Book Festival was just as exciting as the day one as more writers took to the stage dissect books, themes and life in literature



The faint morning groan from the frothy skies and a brief shower of rain failed to dampen the mood on Day 2 at the Open Book Festival on Thursday.

Scenes from the Writing Big Events session with Mandla Langa (The Texture of Shadows), Neel Mukherjee (The Lives of Others) and Åsne Seierstad (One of Us). Chaired by Patti Silbert.

The panelist for “Writing Big Events”
From left: Neel Mukherjee, Mandla Langa and Asne Seierstad talking to Steve Connolly

Asne Seierstad sharing insights on her novel “One Of Us”

Neel Mukherjee, Mandla Langa and Asne Seierstad talking about doing justice to the events at the centre of their captivating books

Mandla Langa laughing at the audience response after he stated that his novel “The Texture of Shadows” explicitly states the Afrikaans words like “donner” from the Apartheid era

Neel Mukherjee,Asne Seierstad and Mandla Langa signing their books for their fans

The panelist for “Writing Big Events”
From left: Neel Mukherjee, Mandla Langa and Asne Seierstad talking to Steve Connolly

Sowing The Seeds session with Patrick Gale (Notes from an Exhibition. A Place Called Winter), Jacqui L’Ange (The Seed Thief) and Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor (Dust). Chaired by Nancy Richards.

The panelist for”Sowing The Seeds”
From left; Jacqui L’Ange, Patrick Gale and Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor talking to Nancy Richards

Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor talk to Nancy Richards about her book inspired by Kenya titled “Dust”

Patrick Gale passing his novel to Nancy Richards

Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor share a moment of laughter with Nancy Richards while In discussion about the inspiration to her book; “Dust”

Sins Of Our Parents session with Elleke Boehmer (Indian Arrivals: Networks of British Empire), Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor (Dust) and Bridget Pitt (Sins of Our Parents). Chaired by Kathryn White. 

The panelist for “filling the gaps”
From left: Bridget Pitt, Elleke Boehmer and Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor speaking to Kathryn White

A lovely moment with Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor

Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor is intrigued by the amazing atmosphere at the Open Book Festival

The Choice of Fiction session with Finuala Dowling (The Fetch), Mandla Langa (The Texture of Shadows) and Rehana Rossouw (What Will People Say?). Chaired by Wamuwi Mbao.

The panel for “The Choice of Fiction”
From left; Rehana Rossouw, Finuala Dowling and Mandla Langa

Mandla Langa talks to Wamuwi Mbao about how fiction allows him to write about stories that he had dreamed and fanticised about

The panelist; From left; Rehana Rossouw, Finuala Dowling and Mandla Langa sharing a moment of laughter with Wamuwi Mbao

The Sexual Politics session with Z. P. Dala (What About Meera), Saskia Goldschmidt (The Hormone Factory) and Nthikeng Mohlele (Rusty Bell). Chaired by Professor Pumla Gqola.

The panelist from left; Saskia Goldschmidt, Z.P Dala and Nthikeng Mohale speaking to Pumla Gqola regarding the sexual politics in their books

Saskia Goldschmidt explaining the irony that lies in her book “Hormone Factory” on how a man was molesting girls who were assisting him with creating the contraceptive pills

The chair; Pumla Gqola seeking further clarification from the authors regarding sexual politics

Saskia Goldschmidt reading a piece from her novel, The Hormone Factory

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