Trophy Hunting: Woman Shoots Giraffe | This is Africa


Trophy Hunting: Woman Shoots Giraffe



Some of you may already be aware of this, but if like us you’re hearing about this for the first time your jaw will drop. And it’ll probably raise the same BIG questions in your mind that it did in ours. In this photo, a female trophy hunter sits smirking on top of the giraffe she blasted to death with a rifle as it ate from a tree.

Trophy Hunting

According to Animal Shame, an organization that collects and posts these ‘trophy’ pictures on Facebook, the giraffe was eating from a tree at the time of slaughter. The photo was originally posted on the Facebook page for Koeshall’s World Hunting Adventures, a a full-service taxidermy shop in Wisconsin.

The hunting company wrote:
“We took Shelley out this morning with the thoughts of maybe getting a giraffe. We found this big bull feeding in the trees, and Shelley put 2 good shots in him before he went down. Big mature bull. We have it all here, and we want to share it with YOU”. The site has since taken down the image, but there’s still plenty to despair about in its gallery of grotesques.


The business is owned by Kevin Koeshall of Wisconsin Rapids and specializes in taking anyone who will pay on an adventure of a lifetime, where they are coddled until they are able to execute  an animal of their choice!  With these kinds of “hunts,” wealthy individuals are usually driven to the spot by guides who know where the animals are. The clients then shoot and kill the animals, often while sitting in the Land Rover that brought them. Even more unconscionable, some safaris are “canned hunts,” in which captive animals raised this purpose, are placed inside a fenced-in enclosure for the “hunter” to shoot.

Source : Huffington Post and AATP

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