327-carat diamond found by Lucara from Karowe mine in Botswana

Politics and Society

327-carat diamond found by Lucara from Karowe mine in Botswana

Lucara Diamond has discovered a 327-carat diamond at its mine in Botswana, just two weeks after the discovery of a 472-carat diamond this month. The latest find is the ninth-largest discovery by the Canadian company greater than 100 carats unearthed at Karowe since the beginning of the year.



Lucara Diamond Corp has discovered another huge diamond at its mine in Botswana. The company discovered a 327-carat top white-gem diamond only two weeks after it unearthed a 472-carat light brown stone.

Eight diamonds greater than 100 carats have now been recovered at Karowe since the beginning of the year, including the 472 carat diamond announced earlier this month, the company said in a statement.

The 472 carat diamond recently unearthed is the third largest diamond ever recovered from Lucara’s 100% owned Karowe Diamond Mine located in Botswana.

Read: Botswana: Lucara announces sale of 1,109 carat Lesedi La Rona for $53 million


The breath-taking 1,109 carat diamond. Photo: Lucara

The company says it will hold an exceptional-stone tender in June that will include the sale of the 327-carat and 472-carat diamonds, alongside others recovered since the start of the year. Viewings will be held in Gaborone, Botswana between June 10 and June 19 with the tender scheduled to close on June 19, 2018.

Lesedi La Rona a 1,109 carat rough diamond that Lucara Diamond unearthed two years years before at its Karowe mine in Botswana was sold in September last year for $53 million to London-based Graff Diamonds. Lesedi La Rona is the biggest diamond unearthed in Botswana and the largest find in more than a century, second in size only to the Cullinan diamond cut into the British Crown jewels.

Lucara also received a record $63 million, the highest price ever achieved for a rough diamond for an 813-carat stone also sold in 2016.  The exceptional gem, was aType IIa diamond. Type IIa diamonds are considered, “as the “purest of the pure” – they contain no, or minuscule amounts of impurities and are usually colorless”.

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