Africa has “a serious corruption problem” says Transparency International
Transparency International has released its annual corruption index, which shows that corruption remains one of the most significant challenges for over 40 countries in the sub-Saharan Africa region. Senegal, Ghana, Rwanda and Botswana have shown promising signs in the fight against corruption, while the continent’s two biggest economies Nigeria and South Africa performed dismally.
Corruption remains one of the most significant challenges to development for over 40 countries in the sub-Saharan Africa region, Transparency International (TI) has said in its annual corruption index.
Corruption continues to affect the continent’s efforts towards good governance, sustainable economic growth, peace, stability and development.
Chantal Uwimana, Director for Sub-Saharan Africa said in 2015, corruption exacerbated crises, from Ebola to terrorism. The continent’s two biggest economies Nigeria and South Africa performed dismally.
Uwimana noted, “Forty out of the region’s 46 countries show a serious corruption problem and there’s no improvement for continent powerhouses Nigeria and South Africa. If corruption and impunity are to ‘be a thing of the past’ as the African Union stated, governments need to take bold steps to ensure rule of law is the reality for everyone”.
Africa has “a serious corruption problem” Photo:
Six African countries are in the bottom ten, in a category where public sector corruption is perceived highest. These include bottom ranked Somalia, Sudan (165), South Sudan (163), Angola (163), Libya (161) and Guinea-Bissau (158) respectively.
However, its not all gloom and doom, as other countries have recorded significant improvements in fighting corruption and strengthening public sector transparency and accountability. According to TI, Senegal is “among those that have seen a significant increase in scores since 2012”. Senegal has made significant efforts to fighting corruption, including the establishment of several anti-corruption agencies, perceived to be effective.
Other African countries which have recorded solid improvements include Ghana, ranked seventh in Africa and 56 out of 168 countries.
The top ranked African country, where corruption is perceived lowest is Botswana, ranked 28th globally. Cape Verde, Seychelles, Rwanda, Mauritius and Namibia made it into the top 50.