#IAmTheSudanRevolution: Call to Action on Sudan Uprising | This is Africa

Politics and Society

#IAmTheSudanRevolution: Call to Action on Sudan Uprising

An Africa led call to stand together to defend the right of the Sudanese people to a peaceful revolution and a democratic civilian system of governance.



Launched online on June 4th 2019

We, the people of Africa;  citizens, leaders from diverse civil society organizations and institutions,  grassroots movements, activists and human rights defenders in Africa and the Diaspora, on this day,  call on the United Nations Organization, the African Union and the African Union Commission, international and national civil society organizations as well as citizens of this great continent and the world to stand together and declare that, Enough is enough! Stop the senseless and relentless killings and attacks on peaceful Sudanese protesters who are on the verge of effecting a peaceful popular  revolution to return Sudan’s governance system to civilian rule.

On March 12th 2019, the Sudanese people,  burdened by the ever increasing prices of basic food and an unresponsive Government, decided to  rally together in massive protests all over the country with the sole aim of removing former President Omar El Bashir and his regime from power. What had started off three months prior in December 2018 in Atbara, was quickly replicated all over the villages and towns of Sudan resulting in massive protests in Khartoum, the capital city. The daily protests eventually forced the resignation of El Bashir as Head of State and his arrest.

Sudan’s former President Omar al-Bashir. Photo: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jesse B. Awalt/Wikimedia Commons

Upon the successful and largely peaceful ouster of the former President, the Protests’ leaders  agreed, along with the Heads of Sudan Military, to form a Transitional Military Council to last six months and to be followed by  the return  to Civilian rule via a democratic election. The heads of the Military have, however, reneged on their promise to the people and instead drafted a 50/50 power sharing agreement between the civilians and the Military  as the new Governance system, a unilateral decision that goes against the people’s popular demands.

Given the deadlock brought about by the refusal of the Sudan Military to accede to the  demands of the citizens, the protesters decided to continue their peaceful fight until the formation of A government of the people, by the people and for the people is realized.


In a surprising turn of events, the Sudan Military has, in total disregard of all human rights principles, decided to turn their guns on the civilians it ought to protect, as latest reports state  that close to 60 protesters in Khartoum have been killed. The  murders seem to be gathering steam as days go by buoyed by an internet and communication shutdown  ordered by the Military and a world that is seemingly not concerned with the current events in Sudan.

The Sudan Revolution is one of the few people led peaceful revolutions to succeed in Africa and its negation by a power hungry military elite shouldn’t be allowed to pass. It is for this reason that, under the Pan African guiding spirit of Ubuntu, we issue this Call To Action for all African citizens in Africa and the Diaspora, all humanity, Civil Society Organizations, the African Union, the United Nations, Human Rights supporters worldwide to stand up, support the Sudanese popular revolution and show solidarity with our brothers and sisters  in Sudan through; holding vigils, petitions, protests, social media campaigns and activities in their various spaces to remind the Sudan Military and the whole world that we are conscious and concerned about Sudan and stand with the Sudanese people in opposition to these these brutal repressive acts by the military against peaceful protesters.

We wish to send a strong message to the Sudan Military Council that, ultimately power belongs to the people of Sudan. The Sudan military must follow its own laws and constitution. At the moment the Sudan military is in total disregard of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights, which Sudan is a signatory to. We demand an immediate stop to this senseless massacre of the peaceful  protesters who are only exercising their right to good governance.

To the people of Sudan, we stand with you  in your struggle for a better Sudan and in your clamor for a Government of the people, by the people and for the people under the guiding spirit of Ubuntu. We want you to know that we support and will stand with you  in this fight for freedom, dignity and social justice.

To the United Nations, the African Union and all Governments in Africa we challenge you to immediately intervene by  ensuring  the end of these senseless killings and calling all sides back to the negotiating table and to avert the stealing of the people’s victory.


To Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the USA: “The narrative is Sudanese, so let our people in Sudan GO! Stop stealing their victory!”

To all  Africans,  we call for online mobilization and solidarity  under the hashtag #IAmTheSudanRevolution. We urge you to take simple and doable solidarity actions within your respective spaces.

Lastly, to all citizens of this great continent, the victory of the Sudanese people is our victory, and their defeat is our defeat. We urge you to take part through individual and collective actions to show solidarity and to make our voices heard all over the world under the hashtag #IAmTheSudanRevolution.

June 4th, 2019


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