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Microsoft to equip Ghanaian teacher Owura Kwadwo who teaches ICT without a computer

Owura Kwadwo, a teacher from Kumasi, Ghana teaches I.C.T. without computers. In an effort to make his students understand computer lessons, he drew a Microsoft Word format on the chalkboard. Cameroonian entrepreneur Rebecca Enonchong tagged Microsoft on Twitter to assist, and Microsoft has said it will equip Kwadwo with a teaching device.



Part of the task of a teacher is to make your students understand what you’re teaching them even in challenging circumstance. Ghanaian teacher Okwura Kwadwo found himself in such a position when he taught his students Information and communications technology (ICT). Kwadwo had no computer to demonstrate to the students Microsoft Word, so he drew it on the blackboard. The picture of Kwadwo with a Microsoft Word page drawn on the blackboard has gone viral.

In a Facebook post Kwadwo wrote, “Teaching I.C.T in Ghana’s school is very funny. I.C.T on the board paa. I love ma (my) students so have to do what will make them understand what am [I’m] teaching.


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Ghanaian I.C.T teacher Owura Kwadwo Photo: Facebook/Owura Kwadwo

Kwadwo’s pictures have since gone viral both on Facebook and Twitter. Cameroonian entrepreneur Rebecca Enonchong set out to find the teacher and also sent a message to Microsoft Africa. Enonchong sought to find resources to build a computer lab. Her efforts might be yielding fruits already as Microsoft Africa responded: “Supporting teachers to enable digital transformation in education is at the core of what we do. We will equip Owura Kwadwo with a device from one of our partners, and access to our MCE program & free professional development resources on”

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While the Ghanaian education system has come under scrutiny and severe criticism, many are applauding Kwadwo for going the extra mile. Many have also raised the quality of teaching sciences and tech in a situation where there are no practical equipment to ease understanding of what’s being taught.

Ghanaian teacher Owura Kwadwo doing what he loves, teaching. Photo: Facebook/ Owura Kwadwo