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Open Book Festival 2015 Day 1

Cape Town’s Open Book Festival kicked off yesterday with dynamic discussions between book lovers, the who’s who of South Africa’s literati and established writers from across the world. TIA had a glimpse of what went down in a few of the first day’s sessions



TIA attended three thought-provoking sessions from the first day of this year’s Open Book Festival in Cape Town South Africa. Below you can find some pics of what you missed.

Scenes from the Spread The Word session with Mignon Hardie (FunDza), Solitude (Poetics) and Smangele Mathebula (Nal’ibali). Chaired by Patti Silbert.


Solitude from Poetics addressing the SA youth about diverse approaches to building a culture of reading.


Author Smangele Mathebula from nalibali shared her thoughts on building a culture of being reading. “Children are intimidated by libraries because they are associated with tests and exams. A way to eradicate this is by creating informal spaces of learning”



Smangele engaging on her work after her panel sitting

My Soundtrack session with Jakob Melander, Nthikeng Mohlele & Ingrid Winterbach. Chaired by Danie Marais.


Nthikeng Mohlele reading a short piece from his book


Captivated audience listening to Jakob Melander, Nthikeng Mohlele and Ingrid Winterbach discussing the music in their novels


Jakob Melander, Nthikeng Mohlele and Ingrid Winterbach discussing the music in their novels with Danie Marais


Jakob Melander, Nthikeng Mohlele and Ingrid Winterbach discussing the music in their novels

City Shades session with Justin Cartwright, Perfect Hlongwane and Michèle Rowe. Chaired by Bongani Kona.


Pefect Hlongwane reading a piece from his novel ‘Jozi’


The panelist of authors chatting to the chair of the City Shades session, Bongani Kona (far left), about urban landscape.


A book signing by the authors after the City Shades session

Let’s Talk Frankly with Judith February and author Onkgopotse JJ Tabane


Ongkgopotse JJ Tabane elaborating on his book; Talk Frankly


Ongkgopotse JJ Tabane stating that he would be willing to pay anyone who finds a contradiction in his work as he believes that despite his shift in political parties, his work has been consistently written.


A diverse and intrigued audience listening to the work of Ongkgopotse JJ Tabane

Photographs by Oyama Botha.
