At This Is Africa we strive to show Africa and the diaspora the beauty that is this continent. We also love to hear from readers about their experiences, and where they are experiencing us.
This one of a Stellenbosch wine farm by Thuto Moloi is so gorgeous: mood, lighting, view, colours. It has it all and was ticked up by other readers as well. Congratulations Thuto!

Next is Keli Yanga who sent a moody, gorgeous one from Banjul, the Gambia. The tone and feel is lovely:

Dineo Vanessa Løseth, a South African living in Norway, sent in this beautiful one of Molde:

The amazing South African coastline is showcased beautifully in this photo taken by Vuyani Sakuba, in Knysna:

Kim Soares sent in this delightful one of children playing football in Salvador, Brazil:

This photo is wonderful. A bus terminus at KweKwe, Zimbabwe sent in by Brilliant King BK:

The stunning Minnehaha Falls, Minneapolis, USA, as captured by Tony Steadytone Futoo Stowe:

The Flatiron Building in New York City, USA, as seen by Lisa Bello:

In Florence Chibi’s garden in Modderfontein, Gauteng, South Africa:

Sunlight in the trees in Alexandra, Gauteng, South Africa – by JF Gagne: