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Rumble in the Jungle 40th anniversary

40 years ago, “arguably the greatest sporting event of the 20th century” took place in Kinshasa, Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo). The spectacle brought to Africa the world’s two greatest pugilists and immortalised the legend of Muhammad Ali



At 32 years old, Muhammad Ali was 7 years George Foreman, the heavyweight champion’s senior and many believed that victory would be impossible against his formidable opponent.

But Ali, had history on his mind. $5 million, the biggest purse ever in boxing at the time. His first trip to Africa, which would host what many boxing enthusiasts still say is the greatest bout in the history of the sport.

It seemed that he knew something that other people didn’t know, as if he’d had a glimpse into a veiled future. In interviews before the match, he was nothing if not arrogantly confident about the fight’s outcome. But, then again, that has come to be expected of boxers before their fights…

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George Foreman, heavyweight champion of the world was knocked out in the 8th round by Ali, to the astonishment of bookmakers. Check out the videos to relive the moment event.

Where were you when it went down?