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Angola celebrates Independence Day, Feliz Dia da Independência

Today is Angola’s Independence Day attained in 1975. We honour all those who sacrificed their lives during the struggle against Portuguese rule and colonialism, and remember all those who died in the liberation war and subsequent conflicts. Feliz Dia da Independência.



Angola celebrates its independence day, the 42nd anniversary of self-rule which was attained in 1975 from Portugal.

The armed struggle (Angolan War of Independence/Portuguese Colonial War) for the country’s independence started in 1961. The struggle was fought by three movements, the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA), and National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) (the three later fought between themselves).

Independence was attained after the three parties MPLA, UNITA, and FNLA signed the Alvor Agreement, which ended the war of independence. The Portuguese government agreed to recognise the independence of its colonies, including Angola.

Angola turns 41: Happy Independence Day (Feliz Dia da Independência). Photo: ANP/AFP Pedro Inacio

Angola turns 41: Happy Independence Day (Feliz Dia da Independência). Photo: ANP/AFP Pedro Inacio

Angola’s Independence Day is a public holiday, which is celebrated every year. The day honours the country’s fallen heroes, its gallant son and daughters who fought for the independence of their country from Portuguese colonial rule.

Thousands of  freedom fighters were killed during the liberation war. Many were executed, jailed, tortured or maimed and thousands were detained in appalling conditions in the fight against colonialism.


We honour all those who sacrificed their lives during the struggle against Portuguese colonialism and remember all those who died in subsequent revolutions. May peace prevail in Angola.