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Jacinta Raquel Felipe: Angolan Hyperealist artist making waves

Jacinta Raquel Felipe is a female hyper realist artist based in Angola. Her artwork has garnered quite an audience. See some of her remarkable drawings, which have left many on social media in awe.



When it comes to hyper-realistic drawings from the continent, names such as Babajide Olatunji, Kelvin Okafor, Martin Lawrence Akande, Oresegun Olumide dominate the scene.

Angola’s, Jacinta Raquel Felipe, a hyper realist artist is making waves with her remarkable work. Her drawings are mostly on coal and like many hyper realistic works, Jacinta’s drawings are a result of patience and great attention to detail.

She tweets @jacyy_f.

On social media, the artist posts pictures of her work in progress, in the various stages of drawing, which gives an idea of the process of drawing.


Read: Meet Martins Lawrence Akande, Nigeria’s talented hyper realistic pencil artist


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