Africans rising
Jacinta Raquel Felipe: Angolan Hyperealist artist making waves
Jacinta Raquel Felipe is a female hyper realist artist based in Angola. Her artwork has garnered quite an audience. See some of her remarkable drawings, which have left many on social media in awe.
8 years agoon

When it comes to hyper-realistic drawings from the continent, names such as Babajide Olatunji, Kelvin Okafor, Martin Lawrence Akande, Oresegun Olumide dominate the scene.
Angola’s, Jacinta Raquel Felipe, a hyper realist artist is making waves with her remarkable work. Her drawings are mostly on coal and like many hyper realistic works, Jacinta’s drawings are a result of patience and great attention to detail.
She tweets @jacyy_f.
On social media, the artist posts pictures of her work in progress, in the various stages of drawing, which gives an idea of the process of drawing.
Work. ✏
— JRF. (@jacyy_f) March 3, 2017
Read: Meet Martins Lawrence Akande, Nigeria’s talented hyper realistic pencil artist
Estes são os meus desenhos feitos em 2014, e assim vou melhorando a cada dia que passa.✏️🙌
— JRF. (@jacyy_f) November 16, 2016
A camisa foi dificil, admito!!😂😅
Esse é simplesmente o melhor que fiz em 2016. Blessing.✏🖼🙏— JRF. (@jacyy_f) December 25, 2016
Não tenho um dom, tenho anos de prática.✏✏
— JRF. (@jacyy_f) January 18, 2017
Read: Meet Babjide Olatunji: The Dancing Artist
Mais um trabalho feito.✒✏
— JRF. (@jacyy_f) September 30, 2016
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