High school teacher Shawn McCurtain told his class to go downstairs to take their economics final in the middle of May. Student Jabre White responded ”Yes, sir” and McCurtain replied ”You meant to say ‘Yes, sir, master’ ”
The young student responded, angrily, “Who the f*** are you talking to? You’re nobody’s master and this is not the slave days!”
The 17-year-old told his mother about the incident with McCurtain shortly after it happened and she contacted the school’s principal to hear about what was being done to investigate and punish the teacher.

The school where the incident allegedly took place. Photo: Beemergirl515/Wikimedia Commons
Nicholle White, the boy’s mother, heard back from the principal that their investigation had confirmed that the incident had indeed occurred. The principal described the accused teacher as being very “remorseful” and he said the incident was very “shameful”.
‘I have tried to be humble… But I also feel I need to express as a mother, and as a black woman, how I feel,’ Ms White said to The Des Moines Register about her dealings with Roosevelt High School officials.
McCurtain is still employed by the school.
Source: The Des Moines Register