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Hand painted houses of Tiebele, Burkina Faso

Hand painted houses are a key part of the Tiebele village, which is found in Nahouri province in Burkina Faso.



Tiebele is known for it’s homes that are beautifully hand-painted using chalk and coloured mud.

The people who stay in Tiebele are called Kassena and they a part of the Gurunsi ethnic groups. Gurunsi or Grunshi groups inhabit the southern part of Burkina Faso. Wall painting is done by Gurunsi women and this is a tradition that has been passed down for many generations.

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Photo: Scott Worthington/ Peace Corps/ Year two Volunteer

Photo: Scott Worthington/ Peace Corps/ Year two Volunteer

Photo: Scott Worthington/ Peace Corps/ Year two Volunteer

Photo: Scott Worthington/ Peace Corps/ Year two Volunteer

Photo: Scott Worthington/ Peace Corps/ Year two volunteer

Photo: Scott Worthington/ Peace Corps/ Year two Volunteer

Photo: Scott Worthington/ Peace Corps/ Year two volunteer