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PHOTOS: Open Book Festival Day 3

TIA was at the Open Book Cape Town festival on the summery Friday that was Day 3. Here’s what you missed out on



Scenes from the Piggy Boy’s Blues session with author Nakahane Touré, his publisher Thabiso Mahlape, and Mervyn Sloman September 11, 2015.

Nakhane shares a light moment with his publisher, Thabiso Mahlape

Nakhane shares a light moment with his publisher, Thabiso Mahlape

Mervyn Sloman (R) shares a moment of laughter with Nakhane Toure and his editor Thabiso Mahlape

Mervyn Sloman (R) shares a moment of laughter with Nakhane Toure and his editor Thabiso Mahlape

Nakhane Toure reading an extract from his novel 'Piggy Boy's Blues'

Nakhane Toure reading an extract from his novel ‘Piggy Boy’s Blues’

An audience member burning with questions for  Nakhane Toure and his editor Thabiso Mahlape

An audience member burning with questions for Nakhane Toure and his editor Thabiso Mahlape

Nakhane Toure chats to a reader during his book signing.

Nakhane Toure chats to a reader during his book signing.

Audience waiting to get in the theatre for the "Piggy Boy's Blues" session

Audience waiting to get in the theatre for the “Piggy Boy’s Blues” session