Ugandan author, book critic and poet, Philip Matogo interrogates and lauds Andrew Chatora’s debut short story collection for bringing to the fore aspects of contemporary Zimbabwe...
‘Inside Harare Alcatraz and Other Short Stories’ is a collection of eleven neatly written stories that are pulsating with global urgency—the heat, anger, and frustration weaved...
Andrew Chatora’s 2023 novel, Harare Voices and Beyond, interrogates land, race and nationhood in Zimbabwe. Literary journalist Onai Mushava picks apart the allegorical layers of the...
David Chasumba’s latest short story collection sweeps through immigrant lives, racism and moral duplicity. Chasumba is a master of understatement, keenly alert to his society’s flaws...
Immersive family drama, minutiae inner fabric of Zimbabwean society, cultural richness and heritage all find a place in Tafadzwa Z. Taruvinga’s debut novel: Gone With the...