Having frequently suffered from malaria as a child, Joan Nalubega, a social entrepreneur and the co-founder of Uganics, was inspired to create a venture that would...
“Dark Tourism” is the travel or patronage of historical and cultural sites that are in some way connected to death or disaster. Dark tourism is said...
The “Shaka Rising” saga is nuanced retelling of one of Africa most prominent historical legends. It narrates a young prince’s rise to power as he guides...
Evariste Akoumian, a 37-year-old Ivorian, invented the “Solarpak”, a schoolbag with a solar panel and a lamp, to improve the education of young schoolchildren from rural,...
Cameroon-born academic Dr Olivette Otele became the first black woman professor of history in the UK, at Bath Spa University. She specialises in collective memory and...