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#WCW: Africa’s Queen of Comedy Kansiime Anne

This week’s woman crush is the epitome of beauty and brains. Today we raise our glasses to the talented Ugandan-born comedienne who is known to many as Africa’s Queen of comedy, Anne Kansiime



The 28 year-old Ugandan-born damsel is living proof that dynamite truly comes in small packages. The petite young woman has touched the hearts and funny bones of many people in and around Africa, through her hilarious work.

She is beautiful, bold, courageous, fearless and (most importantly) hilarious. Kansiime is a comical entertainer, actress and a tactful women’s rights activist, who strategically uses jest and satire to shed light and address the day-to-day struggles faced by African women. She has played various roles that will leave you in hysterics.

Comedian Anne Kansiime.Source: Mpascho

Comedian Anne Kansiime.Source: Mpascho

Recently crowned as Uganda’s most liked person on Facebook, this fearless humourist is only going up. She has done it all, from being invited to dine next to the Queen of England to receiving the Silver Play Button from You tube for amassing 100,000 subscribers on her channel.  She also did African women proud when she was nominated in the Best Comedian category at the 2014 Black Entertainment Film Fashion Television and Arts (BEFFTA) Awards.

Anne Kansiime with Topped the list for 2014 BEFFTA Uk Awards.CampusBee.

Anne Kansiime with Topped the list for 2014 BEFFTA Uk Awards. Source:CampusBee.

She told Her Zimbabwe, that she intentionally portrays women in unconventional gender roles in her work because she believes in the strength of African women. She asserted that she would never portray women as submissive or permissive because she hopes for more women to become more authoritative about what they want and to speak for themselves.

Anne Kansiime.Source: entebbenews

Anne Kansiime.Source: entebbenews

Anne with husband Ojok on their wedding. Source:Redpepper

Anne with husband Ojok on their wedding. Source:Redpepper

Definitely a force to be recognised with, she is one of Africa’s increasingly significant comedians who have put young African women entertainers on the map. She is a voice for the voiceless women who can not speak out and continue to suffer in silence. She is a strong role model for young people. She is our adventurous, hilarious and fun loving #WCW.  She is Kansiime Anne.

Comedian Anne-Kansiime. Photo:fungai machirori via her zimbabwe

Comedian Anne-Kansiime. Photo:fungai machirori via her zimbabwe

Kansiime in character as a news paper vender. Source: Youtube screengrab

Kansiime in character as a news paper vender. Source: Youtube screengrab

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