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President Paul Kagame angers Kenyans on Twitter

While it’s really cool to have an African president effectively utilising social media tools to communicate with a growing cyber audience, it does have its drawbacks as Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame recently found out



It seems Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame has no time for diplomacy when addressing his critics on social media, if his recent “arrogant” outburst is anything to go by.

As a reply to a tweet by President Kagame commending his legal team and the “unbreakable Rwandan spirit”, Kenyan TV personality, Levi Kones, made a comment about the possibility of the president holding on to power for a third term.


But the President Kagame, in an uncharacteristically incensed retort, gave Kones a piece of his mind.


Following this exchange, a heated debate ensued with mostly Kenyans, under the hashtags #KOT and #SomeoneTellKagame (Kenyans on Twitter), swinging to the defence of Kones by highlighting shortcomings in President Kagame’s decorated leadership.


But there were many, under the same hashtag, who supported the idea of Kagame serving for another term and chastised Kenyans for worrying about Rwanda when their own country needs their attention.


Since that interaction, President Kagame’s account has yet to respond. The presidency has not come out to either confirm nor deny that it was really the president who was tweeting from the verified account. The president has also yet to confirm whether he will avail himself for another term in office.

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