In this week’s cartoon, the killing of Zimbabwean Elvis Nyathi in Diepsloot has put the spotlight back on South Africa’s deeply worrisome and enduring problem—xenophobia.
Long Read | In this second essay of a seven-part Shona series, “Is Dambudzo Marechera also among Medicinemen?” Onai Mushava revisits Marechera’s famous statement, “Shona was...
The launch of the movement in Durban comes as President Ramaphosa cautions against “deeply disturbing” acts against immigrants
After a profoundly successful debut, Noviolet Bulawayo’s second novel – which began as non-fiction – leaves realism for allegory to confront the Zimbabwean present.
This Is Africa announces 2022 as the year of “Return to Marechera.” The great Zimbabwean writer, Dambudzo Marechera (1952-1987), would have turned 70 this year.