The Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZIDERA) was signed by US president George W. Bush into law in December...
Non-racialism is one of the unexamined dogmas of the governing ANC, which has never fully understood how white racism functions.
We need to talk about this pressure on African women to have at least one male child. It devalues women, and, equally saddening, it causes mothers...
The Ebola menace is gripping residents of Lagos. New incidents of the Ebola virus in the fastest growing city in Africa had been announced by the...
Africa is on a quest to reclaim the continent from over 100 years of photographic misrepresentation. Local photographers are looking for balance on a continent so...
As South Africa celebrates Women’s Month, it’s about time we stopped paying lip service to the empowerment of women, writes Benedicta Dube
Tunisia has sealed its main border with Libya after thousands of stranded Egyptian and foreign nationals tried to penetrate the passage, whilst fleeing continuous conflict in...
The Ugandan Constitutional Court has ruled that the country's Anti-Homosexuality Act was passed without the requisite parliamentary quorum and is therefore null and void. Ironically enough,...
Uganda's constitutional court has invalidated the controversial piece of legislation commonly known as the 'Anti-Gay law", saying it was not passed legally therefore was in breach...
Why is there an absence of African women in nonfiction writing? Why is there a perception of so-called “feminine” subjects as less important than the “masculine”?...
For many Nigerians, the news of women blowing themselves up did not read stranger than other reports of Boko Haram atrocities. It was something that has...